For English - see description at the end.
Se necesita servicio de limpieza 5hrs por semana. $100 por visita. El día y la hora se puede negociar pero una vez fijado necesito que se mantenga el día y la hora todas las semanas.
Los que haceres son:
moping (agua y trapo/refresgador)
cleaning bathrooms (limpieza de baños)
carpet vacuuming and dusting (aspirar y sacudir)
kitchen appliances (limpiar refri y horno)
vacuum garage and patio (barter garage y patio)
porch and backyard clean up (barrer y sacar plantitas)
bath the dog (bañar y limpiar al perrito)
Los interesados textear me at 763-670-8380 con su nombre completo y dirección. Coordinamos una entrevista y luego vemos cuando se puede empezar.
Ubicación = a una cuadra de Center Grove High School in Greenwood, IN 46143
I require house keeping work 5hrs per week. $100 per visit. The day and time is flexible but once agreed it has to be consistent every week.
he work activities are:
cleaning bathrooms
carpet vacuuming and dusting
kitchen appliances inside &out,
garage vacuum and patio dust/vacuum,
porch and backyard clean up,
bath the dog (puppy)
Not all is expected to be done in 1 visit; things not completed carries over following week.
Text to 763-670-8380 with your full name, address, and any questions. We need to set up a time to interview and coordinate a start date.
Location = near to Center Grove High School in Greenwood, IN 46143
(1 block away from school)