Looking for an assistant or project manager for a real estate investment business. Your position will depend on your qualifications. U can start by assisting while you learn the business. Soome interior design and home improvement (or just knowledge of houses) background are usefull. you are also expected to produce and post video and photo content on social media. Pay will depend on qualifications and can be anywhere between $15-30/hours based on experience. This can start as a part-time as well, while you familiarize yourself with the work.
Any applicant MUST have excellent organizational skills, a very good memory and the ability to work on multiple project simultaneously, and good time management. These are really the most important skills.
The following background would be useful but not absolutely necessary if you are a quick learner. Looking for somebody passionate about their work, who has a STRONG work ethic, doesn't mind work, and is driven and motivated. The work requires some lifting (tiles, bucket of paint etc.).
Interior design/architecture
Home improvement (or knowledge of houses)
Basic computer skills
Real estate background (useful)