Estihana restaurant in Teaneck is looking for a host or hostess to help part time. We are a very busy establishment and we have been open in Teaneck since 2008. The job entails greeting guests, seating people, answering phones, and assisting with takeout. No prior experience is required as long as you are a team player with great interpersonal skills. This job is ideal for students as we are extremely flexible with scheduling. Sunday is an absolute MUST, it is also the busiest day of the week. We are kosher and therefore we are not open on Friday or Saturday.
The position can lead to training in service as well as opportunities to make tips (more money in your pocket as well as valuable experience). Please contact Lauren, you can text me to set up an interview. Ideally I would like to do interviews on Thursday so please contact me if you are interested in working at Estihana.