Multi-Award-Winning, Ad-Marketing (Bespoke/Boutique) Agency, focused on P.O.S.-Display/Marketing/Promotional Products/Fulfillment & Advertising, is seeking Account Representative Candidates within our industry.
Job Description:
Account Representative will:
Already have established existing/as well as prospect for new clients, meet with them and learn of their unique needs, goals and objectives.
Formulate an effective Ad/Marketing/Promotional Program to solve their objectives via creating & development of a special project/custom campaign.
Estimate cost of said campaign, prepare presentation to submit to client, address questions, overcome obstacles, close deal. Submit purchase orders with domestic and international suppliers, follow up on delivery and implementation.
Candidate is to already be an established and successful sales professional in our industry.
If Candidate can sketch/design/draw ideas and concepts freehand or digitally in order to convey their creative ideas and solutions, this would be an advantage.
Candidate must posses a minimum of 2 years of Advertising/POS/Marketing-Sales or equivalent Creative/Sales experience from other industries.
Candidate possesses the following qualities:
Aggressive, Seasoned & Friendly
Visionary/Out of the Box Thinker
Detail oriented
We offer the following:
Starting salaries/commissions are commensurate based on experience.
Medical plan
Year-end bonus
Unlimited growth opportunity
Full or Part time
Flexible hours
To ensure proper routing, please place "PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS/POS ACCOUNT REP." on the SUBJECT LINE of your email when responding.