I'm a General Contractor, working in construction for 25 years in the Morristown area. I need a third person on our concrete crew to pour a concrete walkway from the street up to a front door. Please do not reply if you have no concrete experience. You will be asked to leave the construction site.
The job will be on Mon Mar 24 or so. Forms are not in yet, other jobs going on site.
All basic construction skills AND previous work pouring concrete, IS REQUIRED. Do not reply if you are a novice, this is not an entry level position. You must travel to the site. You do not need any tools, except suitable concrete pour boots and pants. Drinks and snacks on site will be provided, no off site lunch. Job site is in Verona, NJ.
Puedo hablar en espanol, un poquito.
Por favor, no responda si no tiene experiencia concreta. Se le pedirá que abandone el sitio de construcción.
Please reply anyway, if you are not available on that date. Let me know f you can provide assistance as an advanced concrete mason, or an advanced finish carpenter doing exterior doors and windows, in the future.
-Nick Kopan
Kopan Construction
Morristown, NJ