Vacancy expired!
You shall work side-by-side with myself (Walter C. Washington of WashingtonEngineering) during project execution.
You shall be milling, planing, mortising, tenoning, and clear-staining hardwood lumber and plywood for the
construction of 32" wide by 82" long by 1-3/4" thick external doors. Amount of product involved will permit the
building of 3 external doors of this size. Shall also prepare wood for the
constrution of adoor having a total size 54" wide by 82" height by 2" thick.
Using a Circular Saw { 7-1/4" minimum diameter} precisely cross cut Sapele, Jatoba,
Red Grandis, and Baltic Birch lumber and plywood products per specified dimensions.
Must be accurate to within 1/16-in.
Using provided wood planers shave face-sides of lumber pieces from 2" to 1-3/4".
Must be accurate to within 1/16-in.
Using provided router, router-guides, and router bits of both 1/2-in. diameter and
3/4-in. diameter drill-out mortises with lumber piece as per specifications.
Must be accurate to within 1/16-in.
Using table saw with DADO blades cut-out tenons 3/4-in. diameter
within lumber pieces as per specifications.
Must be accurate to within 1/16-in.
Target work execution date-1 is Saturday 14 Sept 2024. Start time will be 9:00am sharp.
Target work execution date-2 is Sunday 15 Sept 2024. Start time will be 9:00am sharp.
Work Day shall last 6 to 7 hours with 1 hour for lunch.
WashingtonEngineering shall provide lumber, plywood, work benches, saw table,
router, router-bits, router-guides, DADO blades, and clamping/bracing tools.
Person / Organization performing task shall have the following equipment to work:
Electric powered Circular saw with wood ripping or cross-cutting blade
Carpenter square / Rafting square, 10ft (min.) tape measure, leveling and right-angle determination tools.
Writing equipment { pens, pencils, chalk, etc }
Work gloves, Eye protection, Long Sleeve Work Shirt, work boots or shoes
Some task execution details for Person / Organization are as follows:
Clean-up work area of any work related debris as you go.
Ability to lift and carry lumber and plywood weighing up to 60lbs for a distance of 200ft up and down
a steep hill.
Please contact Walter C. Washington via cell phone number (619) 218-0531 or (415) 378-7949.
Call/text between 12:00noon (EDT) and 11:00pm (EDT) any day.
If call or text, please leave your complete legal first name, last name, and email address.
Thank You,
Walter C. Washington