I am looking for residents living in Virginia Beach and nearby areas to participate in an person, 2 hour focus group this WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH. We want to hear how you feel about life these days and prospects for the future. How are you feeling about what is happening in your every day life and what is happening in your community?
This is an in person research study taking place this Wednesday, February 26th at a professional research facility in VA Beach. There are 2 different times: 4pm - 6pm and 6pm-8pm depending on if you or someone in your family has ever been in the military. The study will last 2 hours. Light refreshments will be served.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the short screening form below. If you look like a good fit, you will be contacted within 24 hours since this is coming up fast!
Those that are invited and qualify will receive $200 as a thank you for their valuable time and opinions AND- have the opportunity to win a door prize worth $50. Participants will be paid in CASH at the end of the focus group.
Space is limited, subject to availability. Criteria for qualification is subject to change at any time.
Thank you! Liz