Funtastic Shows will be taking applications and hiring for carnival Ride operators, and Games and Food concession operators for the Washington State Spring Fair at the Puyallup Fairgrounds, 110 9th Ave SW.
Spring Fair Dates:
April 10-13
April 17-20
Full Day Shift, AM Shift and PM Shift Schedules available.
Pays $17.00/hour.
Overtime Paid after 40 hours.
Workweek: Monday thru Sunday
Full Day Shift - Open to Close
AM Shift - Open to 5:00pm
PM Shift - 5:00pm to Close
Apply in person at the Washington State Fairgrounds, Puyallup.
Monday, April 7th 10:00am - 4:00pm, Tuesday, April 8th - 10:00am to 2:00pm and Wednesday, April 9th 10:00am - 2:00pm.
Enter thru parking lot āEā off Fairview Drive. Go to the south end of the wooden Roller Coaster and enter through the Black Iron Gate .
You must be 18 years or older work in the Rides.
You must be 16 years or older to work in for Games and Food.
We have limited open for Minors
(Minors must produce proof of age ā Birth Certificate)
Bring ID/Driver's License AND Social Security Card to complete the application.
For more information about our company and uniform dress code requirements,
see Funtastic Shows Manual on YouTube.