I have way too many things and need help selling it all. So I'm opening an online store called Hoarders Attic. I have two positions open. One is selling everything, the other is helping run a 3d printer.
First, the sales spot. Essentially, we would be partners. You can sell the stuff anywhere you choose! EBAY, Facebook, Pintrist, Amazon, heck, you could have a rummage sale if you wanted. This is an ongoing opportunity, so yes, you can make a career of it here with me.
Pay can be more than amazing! Flexible hours, just looking for someone dedicated to helping.
2nd position, is running a 3d printer. I know NOTHING about 3d printing I have a brand new one in the box and need someone to print custom sports card holders. Possibly thousands and thousands of them. Yes, I realize we may need more than one printer! But I need help with this for sure The holders would be sold on EBAY and Amazon. Flexible hours as well!
Lets have some fun!