Looking for a PART TIME (Eventually Full Time IF desired) IN HOUSE IT Specialist & Google SEO Technical administrator with light Office Manager Duties such as; light phones, customer support, contracts, Etc.
MUST have IT experience in Google SEO Advertising & Marketing Optimization & Website management & design, Social Media management, postings and ads
We are looking for an IN House Office IT Specilast and Google Ad & Marketing/Advertising and Social Media Wiz! (Who can also do some light office administration work)
Office is Located in Saddle River NJ - Bergen County Rt 17
( NOTlooking for a service company or outside agency/agent. Please DO NOT contact us If you do NOT want to work Directly for our company, its an IN OFFICE POSTION ONLY )
25-30 hrs per week , some WFH (work from office AND home) as Needed
$25+ per hour + Commisions (on ALL company sales)
201-505-1555 Charlie
(Please Text your Full Name, town where you live & cell number and someone WILL get back to you)