Looking for a helper for appliances installations and general home repairs services. Right now I am just getting a feel for who would be interested in this type of work. Pay will be determined on skill and productivity. Starting at 25 an hour minimum.
Must have a friendly and positive attitude.
Must be able to lift very heavy appliances, furniture and general construction items.
Must have own vehicle to get to job, no transport expected.
Work is part time for now, Monday- Thursday moving to full time if we work well together
If you do not have any skills, that is ok, just have a lot of common sense and be a good listener. I can train you quickly. I have 26 years of experience to share and I have much experience training people. The more you can do, how fast you can do, with quality workmen ship and a good attitude, the more you will get paid.
If you already have experience and are turn key, meaning you have the skills, experience, tools and vehicle, then I am open to hear your desired pay rate as long as it is realistic.
I like to make sure the people I am working with are happy and compensated well for their efforts. You will be treated with respect and your efforts won’t go unnoticed. This is an opportunity to start with an emerging company with an excellent reputation and we aim to keep that excellent reputation and expand with the right people.
Please let me know a little about you and send a resume if interested. Thanks